Friday, February 3, 2017

Tips to Fix Laptop hermetically Water

( Laptop by Google Image )
Did you get a case that the laptop you use scalded? It might sound careless when it comes to our laptop scalded. There are some things that cause our laptop spillage of water, namely:
  1. Spillage of water from a glass fallout 
  2. Bottled mineral water leaked inside a bag that also contained a laptop in it 
  3. Rain on the way when it rains 
  4. floods

Of the few things that cause laptop scalded, floods factor is very crucial. Electronic items were submerged when the flood has certainly damaged or decayed. Type of waterproof laptop (water proof) even if submerged for hours, is likely to be breached as well.

What do we do when the laptop scalded?

Here are some tips to deal with problems that may arise if the laptop we scalded, namely:
  1. Turn off the laptop as soon as possible. The combination will create a cairn and electrical short circuit on the laptop
  2. Dry the wet, as much as possible absorb all the liquid is visible
  3. Unplug all of the exterior of the laptop including the main power cable, printer cable, mouse cable, modem card, and battery.
  4. Drain again and reversing the fluid by tilting the laptop. (Warning caution to do this, not to shake the laptop too hard)
  5. Use a hair dryer (hair dryer), select the button to bring the cold on the machine and try to dry the laptop spilled liquid
  6. Leave the laptop to dry within 24 hours, and then replace the wiring and restart the laptop.
  7.  If the laptop still can not work like those, then take the laptop to the authorized service center for repair immediately. 
  8. So that the laptop does not scalded, try a laptop computer in a place inaccessible at the time of the flood water, and do not put a bottle of water or a glass of water near laptop.
Thus tips on how to repair the laptop is scalded, may be useful for loyal visitors of this blog. To share information, please koment below this article.Did you get a case that the laptop you use scalded? It might sound careless when it comes to our laptop scalded.

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