Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Lifi the fastest connections

( Lifi / Google Image)
The development of science and technology in the age of globalization is truly unstoppable. Each day appear new technologies that can help people in work. The modern man is getting spoiled by the presence of technology. Good for education, work or for entertainment. In its development, the human need fast internet access for ease in accessing information. One of the fastest channel so far is the most widely used is the WiFi (Wireless Fidelity). but in development, in fact the researchers created a channel of Internet access that is faster, named Lifi (Light Fidelity).

Li-Fi is a new method for wireless data transmission in addition to bluetooth and wi-fi is a Li-Fi. What Li-fi? Blogger friend may have never heard of these devices. In everyday life we ​​use the internet, media connection is frequently used Wi-Fi. Is it actually li-fi, let disimaklagi following explanation.
( LED Lifi / Google Image)
Li-Fi device is a device that enables the delivery method visible without a cable (wireless) in order to connect to the Internet network.

For the speed issue is not asked a friend, Li-Fi can provide Internet access 100 times faster over devices such as wireless connections such as Wi-Fi. speed is approximately 1 Gbps (Gigabyte per second). How very fast is not it ?? please read blogger friend again to see more of Li-Fi.
How to use Li-fi is enough to use Li-fi enough using standard light sources such as LED lights, an internet connection, and a photo detector.
( Lifi Principle / Google Image)
Velmenni use of Li-Fi enabled light to transmit data at speeds of 1 Gbps. when tested by turns theoretical speeds of up to 224 Gbps..Waaooooo .... bloggers Very fast. The creator of this device is Prof. Harald Haas of the University of Edinburgh who demonstrate the technology at the TED conference (Technology, Entertainment and Design) in 2011.

Here are some advantages of using Li-Fi is.
1. Li-fi is not disturbed as a radio signal, so it can be used on aircraft and other places as appropriate.
2. because it uses a light source such as LED, lights to be more frugal 100,000 times so quickly exhausted.

Although it has the advantage, Li-Fi also has a weakness that can not be used outdoors for example long journey (traveling). Because Li-fi enable interrupt signal, the early use of Li-Fi may be restricted to certain places.

How, a blogger friend is interested in using the Li-fi ?? This device may be used in place of our fast.

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