Friday, February 3, 2017


( Battery Laptop by Google Images)
In this era of globalization of science and technology is growing by leaps and bounds. Use of technology is getting help and enable people to work. Technological developments today are more advanced is the use of computer in human life. Human moder is never apart from computers, especially personal computers (PC) which is the fourth generation of computer development.

At this time, the growing use of computers by creating a laptop. Humans do not have to just work at home, but with a man working a laptop anytime and anywhere. The use of laptops is now very rapidly in human life. Laptop able to make a man do not have to bother anymore to work.

The use of laptops is growing rapidly also affect the performance and the components used. The manufacturers are producing increasingly competitive laptop creating the latest innovations to create increasingly sophisticated laptop. Ranging from spare parts and innovation in vitur-vitur owned. One of the components that is important is the battery. The battery is a critical component in such a deep and vital as it is a storage and a power supply for laptops.

Currently in there are generally three types of laptop batteries available in the market. Various types of this laptop certainly has drawbacks and advantages of each. 

The third type of battery include:
a. Nicel cadmium - NiCd
NiCd batteries are first-generation laptop battery. Most factories are often ancient menggunajan this kind of battery because it requires little power but can give great outuput. Currently this kind of battery is not used anymore because it is heavier than the newer laptop batteries.

b. Nicel Metal Hybride -NiMH
NiMH batteries can still be found on laptops that kind longer. These batteries are more reliable than the NiCd batteries even have a higher output. Moreover, NiMH batteries are cheaper to produce and use more secure. The disadvantage is the NiMH batteries have an effect on memory. If we do not clear the power in it, the battery of this type can be given the power remaining and considered to be a reference zero.

c. Lithium Ion - Lion
The Lion batteries used in laptops today. This battery has the advantage that it has no effect on memory and lighter than previous batteries. The drawback is the price is very expensive.

Similarly, review of the types of batteries found in laptops, hopefully this article useful. Let's exchange information by commenting on atikel below.

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